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API Introduction

Welcome to the ZBG API!

You can use this API to access the platform's market data, trade, and manage your account.

The interface path and field naming in this API document fit the industry's mainstream usage,that makes it more easier for programs to switch among the other header exchanges.

Previous version All the interfaces were covered,but somewhat were inconsistent with the industry's mainstream usage.

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.


Sub-accounts can be used to isolate assets and transactions, and assets can be transferred between the main-account and sub-accounts.Sub user can only trade with the sub account, and assets between sub-accounts cannot be transferred directly, only the main account has the transfer authority.

The sub-account has its own login password and API Key, they are managed under main-account in website.

Sub-account Function Instruction and Usage

1.The main account can transfer part of the funds to the sub-account (no commission), and the assets of the sub-account can be managed independently.
2.Users may authorize other agencies or personnel to manage the sub-accounts.
3.The user can trade with the sub-account through the API (the API can only be opened and closed through the main account).
4.The following operations cannot be carried out in the sub-account: OTC, withdraw, setting and changing passwords, bind email and phone number,etc.

The sub-account can access all public interfaces, including basic information and market conditions. The private interfaces that the sub-account can access are as follows:

Interface Instruction
GET /exchange/api/v1/account/balance account balance
POST /exchange/api/v1/order/create place an order
POST /exchange/api/v1/order/cancel Submit Cancel for an Order
POST /exchange/api/v1/order/batch-cancel Submit Cancel for Multiple Orders by Criteria
GET /exchange/api/v1/order/open-orders Query open orders
GET /exchange/api/v1/order/orders Search Historical Orders
GET /exchange/api/v1/order/detail Get the Order Detail of an Order
GET /exchange/api/v1/order/trades Get the Match Result of an Order

Access Instructions

Access URLs


Kline API



SDK and Demo

SDK (Suggested)

Java | Python | ccxt

Interface Type

In this section we divides interfaces into two types:

Public Interface

The public interface can be used to obtain configuration information and market data and the public request can be invoked without authentication

Private Interface

The private interface can be used for order management and account management.Each private request must be signed using a canonical form of authentication.

The private interface needs to be validated using your API key.You can generate API key here.

Request Format

All API requests are made as GET or POST

For GET requests, all parameters are in the path parameters;For POST requests, all parameters are sent as JSON in the request body

Response Format

"datas":,// The body data in response
        "code":"1",          // error code
        "message":"success!" // prompt message


All the interface returns are in JSON format and at the top of the JSON there are several fields that represent the response status and properties :"code" and "message" In the "datas" field, the return code of "1" means that the request was successful, while the rest means that the request failed. Please refer to the error code list for details.


Java signatures are used for example:


import com.example.kits.coder.DigestKit;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.http.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author zhangzp
public class HttpUtil {
    private String apiId;

    private String apiSecret;

    private String apiPassphrase;

     * Spring's native Http request facility is used here, as are other open source projects.
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public String get(String url, Map<String, Object> param) throws BuzException {
        Long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (param == null) {
            param = new HashMap<>(5);

        String content = param.entrySet().stream()
                .filter(e -> e != null && !isEmpty(e.getKey()))
                .map(e -> e.getKey() + (e.getValue() == null ? "" : e.getValue()))

        url = extendVariables(url, param);

        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.set("Apiid", this.apiId);
        headers.set("Timestamp", time.toString());
        // If the user sets the API Key when creating it, pass the parameters:
        header.put("Passphrase", EncryptUtils.md5(time + apiPassphrase));
        headers.set("Sign", DigestKit.md5(apiId + time + content + apiSecret).toLowerCase());

        System.out.println("sign ==>" + headers.get("Sign"));
        HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<>(headers);

        try {
            ResponseEntity<String> result =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class);

            if (result.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
                return result.getBody();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("request url [" + url + "] error", e);

        throw new BuzException("1001", "request api error");

    private String extendVariables(String url, Map<String, Object> param) {
        if (param == null || param.isEmpty()) {
            return url;

        String query = param.entrySet().stream()
                .map(e -> e.getKey() + "=" + (e.getValue() == null ? "" : e.getValue()))
        return String.join(url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? "&" : "?", url, query);

     * Not null, not empty string, not double quotes, not {}
    private boolean isEmpty(String source) {
        return source == null || source.isEmpty() || source.equals("\"\"") || source.trim().equals("{}");

     * post request interface,ContentType ,It's all in the appliation/json way
     * @param url   request interface
     * @param param required parameter
     * @return repsonse information
     * @throws BuzException If the request fails
    public String post(String url, Map<String, Object> param) throws BuzException {
        Long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (param == null) {
            param = new HashMap<>(5);

        String content = JSON.toJSONString(param);

        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

        headers.set("Apiid", this.apiId);
        headers.set("Timestamp", time.toString());
        // If the user sets the API Key when creating it,this parameter must be required
        header.put("Passphrase", EncryptUtils.md5(time + apiPassphrase));
        headers.set("Sign", DigestKit.md5(apiId + time + content + apiSecret).toLowerCase());

        System.out.println("sign ==>" + headers.get("Sign"));
        HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<>(content, headers);

        try {
            ResponseEntity<String> result =, HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class);

            if (result.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
                return result.getBody();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("request url [" + url + "] error", e);

        throw new BuzException("1001", "request api error");

md5 The abstract method is as follows:

public static final String ALGORITHM_MD5 = "MD5";

 * md5 encryption
 * @param message the source string
 * @return encrypted string
public static String md5(String message) {
    return StringKit.toHex(messageDigest(message, ALGORITHM_MD5));

 * Generates a summary for the byte array
 * @param message   string
 * @param algorithm digest algorithm
 * @return summary byte array
private static byte[] messageDigest(String message, String algorithm) {
    return messageDigest(message.getBytes(UTF_8), algorithm);

 * generates a summary for the byte array
 * @param message   bytecode array
 * @param algorithm digest algorithm
 * @return summary byte array
private static byte[] messageDigest(byte[] message, String algorithm) {
    try {
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
        return digest.digest();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new EncryptException(e);

StringKit.toHex() The method is as follows:

 */ initialize an array of characters to hold each hexadecimal character
public static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
 * turn the hexadecimal string
 * @param bytes bytecode array
 * @return 16   return hexadecimal string
public static String toHex(byte[] bytes) {
    char[] chars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
    int index = 0;

    for (byte b : bytes) {
        chars[index++] = HEX_DIGITS[b >>> 4 & 0xf];
        chars[index++] = HEX_DIGITS[b & 0xf];

    return new String(chars);

JS Signature Call Example:

// The GET method requests a signature, taking the interface for querying historical orders as an example.

//Introduce the axios module
const axios = require('axios')
//Introduce the MD5 module
const MD5 = require('MD5')

//request data
var data = {
    symbol: "zt_usdt",
    side: "buy",
    page: 1,
    size: 10
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
//request headers
var headers = {
    Apiid: 'api key', // replace it with your own API key
    Clienttype: 5,
    Timestamp: timestamp,
    //If the user sets the API Key when creating it, the parameter must be passed
    // Replace passphrase in the signature
    Passphrase: MD5(timestamp.toString() + 'passphrase')
    // Signature order :Apiid+ timestamp + request parameter +Apisecret
    // Replace the API key and API secret in the signature
    Sign: MD5('api key' + timestamp.toString() + dataStringify(data) + 'api secret')

var config = {
    url: '',
    headers: headers,
    method: 'GET',
    timeout: 3000,
    params: data

//Parameter content string is used to sort all parameters by the first letter of key value before pressing
Key1 + value1 + key2 + value2...Form string
function dataStringify(data = {}) {
    var keys = Object.keys(data);
    var str = ''
    keys.forEach(function (val) {
        str += val + data[val]
    return str

axios(config).then(function (res) {
}).then(function (err) {
// The POST method requests a signature, as shown in the following list and interface
//Introduce the axios module
const axios = require('axios')
// Introduce the MD5 module
const MD5 = require('MD5')

//request data
var data = {
    symbol: 'zt_usdt',
    side: 'buy',
    amount: 1,
    price: 0.038
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
//request header
var headers = {
    Apiid: 'api key', // 替换成自己的 api key
    Clienttype: 5,
    Timestamp: timestamp,
    // If the user sets the API Key when creating it, it must be passed
    // Replace passphrase in the signature
    Passphrase: MD5(timestamp.toString() + 'passphrase')
    // Signature order :Apiid+ timestamp + request parameter +Apisecret
    // Replace the API key and API secret in the signature
    Sign: MD5('api key' + timestamp.toString() + JSON.stringify(data) + 'api secret')
var config = {
    url: '',
    headers: headers,
    method: 'POST',
    timeout: 3000,
    data: data

axios(config).then(function (res) {
}).then(function (err) {


the API requests may be tampered during internet. In order to ensure that the request is not changed, all private API must be signed by your API Key (Secrete Key).

A valid request consists of below parts:

That is, the request header must contain the following content:

Apiid : API Key of string type

Timestamp : The timestamp of the request

Sign : Signature string (Sign according to the reference format)

Passphrase : The passphrase that you specified when you created the API key. This field is not required, depending on whether the user specified it when creating the API Key.

Create API Key

You can create API Key here.

API key including the following three parts:

The API key and secret Key will be randomly generated and provided by ZBG, and Passphrase will be provided by you to ensure the security of API access.

Passphrase for the optional field users can choose to provide the field according to their own needs, if the field is filled in, the request header must be put on when accessing the interface, the background system will carry out the verification.


The request header is a long integer timestamp at the millisecond level, and requests that differ by more than 60 seconds between the timestamp and the server time are considered expired and rejected by the system. If you think there is a significant time bias between the server and the API server, we recommend that you use the fetch server time interface to query the API server time


Take the example of querying an order list

1.Sort the parameters (keys) in the order of the ASCII code, such as:





2.Concatenate the strings in the order above.


3.Use the request string from the previous step and your key to generate a digital signature : MD5(key + timestamp + signature + secret)


4.Add fields such as the generated digital signature App key timestamp to the Header


header.put("Timestamp", String.valueOf(timestamp));

header.put("Passphrase", md5(timestamp + passphrase));

header.put("Sign", "5fcbdb0862e10f9f6b885fdde42d58a1");

Error Code

Code Description
1 success
6000 Parameters are missing
6001 General error prompt
6010 Can't find a market
6011 You have enable Google verification for account login, please enter Google verification code
6012 Unknown operation type!
6013 You cannot deposit and withdraw until you passed the mobile phone authentication and Google authentication, for the sake of your account security,Please pass the mobile phone authentication or Google authentication first
6014 SMS verification code error, please require it again
6019 Address requests are frequent. Please try again one hour later
6020 Network exception, please try again later
6021 Restrictions on withdrawal operations
6033 Please enter the correct Google verification code
6040 The account has been frozen and temporarily unavailable
6041 This account is not the main account, temporarily unable to operate
6043 The user has been blacklisted and cannot log in
6096 Invalid parameter
6097 Request too frequently
6098 The user has been listed on the transaction blacklist and cannot trade
6115 Failed to submit the withdrawal application!
6117 There is no withdrawal record selected to cancel!
6118 Withdrawal cancellation failed!
6119 This record cannot cancel withdrawal!
6125 An invalid currency type!
6133 Withdrawal address is illegal!
6150 Single withdrawal exceeds or falls below the limit
6151 The current withdrawal exceeds the limit
6152 Cash withdrawal exceeds user limit
6153 Insufficient funds
6154 The record is not need re-withdraw
2012 entrust not exists or on dealing with system!
6400 The market is currently closed"
6402 Your order quantity exceeds the maximum limit :%s
6403 Your order price exceeds the limit :%s~%s
6601 Bitbank does not have this currency
6602 Bitbank has insufficient balance in this currency. Please recharge first
6603 Current currency is forbidden to be recharged
6894 The API signature is no longer valid!
6895 Failed to verify API permissions. Interface is not an authorization API6896
6898 Failed to verify the API permission for multiple times. Please confirm whether to enable API permission
6899 The market is temporarily not open to API trading
6900 The exchange server temporarily not open to API trading
6991 Incorrect price accuracy, up to %s digits in decimal places
6992 The quantity accuracy of the order is wrong, and the number of decimal places is up to %s digits
6993 The minimum order quantity of the order is wrong, the minimum amount is %s"
6999 access forbidden

Reference Data

Public-Get all Supported Trading Symbols

This endpoint returns all ZBG's supported trading symbols.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

No parameter is needed for this endpoint.

Response Content


Field Data Type Description
id string Trading pair ID
base-currency string Base currency in trading pairs
quote-currency string The currencies quoted in the trading pair
price-precision integer Quote currency precision when quote price(decimal places)
amount-precision integer Base currency precision when quote amount(decimal places)
symbol-partition string Trade zone, possible values: [main, innovation]
symbol string Trading pairs
state string The status of the symbol; Possible values[online,offline,suspend]
online - Has been launched;
offline - Trading pair has been offline, can not be traded;
suspend -- Trading suspension
min-order-amt decimal Trade on a minimum order
max-order-amt decimal There is no limit on the maximum order quantity when the transaction is empty

Public-Get all Supported Currencies

This endpoint returns all ZBG's supported trading currencies.

HTTP Request

Required Parameter


Response Content


Field Data Type Description
id string Currency ID
name string Name of the currency
draw-flag boolean Whether can withdraw
draw-fee string Withdraw Commission
once-draw-limit integer Maximum withdrawal limit
daily-draw-limit integer Maximum daily withdrawal limit
min-draw-limit decimal Minimum withdrawal limit

Public-Get Current System Time

This endpoint returns the current system time in milliseconds adjusted to Beijing time zone.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter


Response Content



Millisecond timestamp

Public-Get Current Auxiliary Price

This endpoint returns the discount price of the specified currency in usd, qc and btc.

HTTP Request

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currencys string false Currencies,Multiple currencies to separate such as : zt,usdt,btc

Response Content



Return cny, usd, btc for key three maps, map content value:<currency, price>

Public-Get the Historical Trades

This endpoint return the latest 80 transaction records.

HTTP Request


Returns the maximum 1000 historical transaction records from [trade-id] onwards


Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true The name of the market
trade-id string false The unique trade id

Response Content


        "date":"2019-12-08 11:50:12",
        "date":"2019-12-08 11:50:12",

The data returned is a list, list item field:

Field Data Type Description
trade-id string The unique trade id
price decimal The trading price in quote currency
side string Business type, buy/sell
amount decimal The trading volume in base currency
total decimal The trading volume in quote currency
created-at long Initiate timestamp, milliseconds
date string the starting time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Market Data

Public-Get Klines(Candles)

This endpoint retrieves all klines in a specific range.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
marketName string true trading pair(symbol)
type string true Kline type, support 1M,5M,15M,30M,1H,1D,1W
Seven types, representing 1-30 minutes,1 hour,1 day, and 1 week
dataSize integer true Returns the number of Kline data,[1,100

Response Content

Returns a double-layer list and a list in the inner layer is a piece of data


        "K",            // Data type,K for Kline
        "90",           // Market ID, negligible
        "etc_usdt",     // trading pair (symbol)
        "1532181600",   // Timestamp, second level
        "826.7",        // Opening Price (open)
        "827.68",       // maximum price (high)
        "826.68",       // minimum price (low)
        "826.07",       // closing price (close)
        "492261",       // The trading volume in base currency (vol) 
        "0.04",         // amount of increase and amount of decrease
        "6.8",          // dollar currency rate
        "1H",           // Kline cycle
        "false"         // Whether or not the conversion
        "407073731.01"  // The trading volume in quote currency (amount) 

Public-Get Last Aggregate Ticker

This endpoint retrieves the latest ticker with some important 24h aggregated market data.

This data server is updated once every 10 seconds, so it does not need to get too frequently

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
marketName string true trading pair

Response Content


    "386",              // market ID,negligible
    "0.291",            // close, Latest trading price
    "0.2972",           // high, top price
    "0.2848",           // low, minimum price
    "295240028.896",    // vol, 24-hour volume (in base currency)
    "-0.75",            // change, Rise and fall in 24 hours
            1,          // serial number 
            0.2932      // closing price
        [2, 0.2928], [3, 0.2923], [4, 0.292], [5, 0.2897], [6, 0.291]
    "0.2899",           // bid, Buy 1
    "0.2912",           // ask, Sell 1,
    "86114684.5935"     // amount, 24-hour turnover(in quote currency),

return string list,data declaration

[ marketId, close, high, low, volume, change, Latest 6H closing price list, bid, ask, amount ]

amount : Aggregated trading value during the interval (in quote currency)

volume : Aggregated trading volume during the interval (in base currency)

Latest 6H closing price listSort in chronological order,data declaration :

[[serial number , closing price], [serial number , closing price], [serial number , closing price]]

Public-Get Last Aggregate Tickers for All Pairs

This endpoint retrieves the latest tickers for all supported pairs.

The update speed of the data server is 10 seconds once, so it is unnecessary to get too frequently

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

The data format of turn is different when isUseMarketName is true and false. IsUseMarketName is recommended to pass true

Parameter Data Type Required Description
isUseMarketName boolean true Parameters must be uploaded,true,turntrading pair

Response Content



        "[[1, 0.00000662], [2, 0.00000662], [3, 0.00000662], [4, 0.00000663], [5, 0.00000664], [6, 0.00000666]]",



        "386",              // market ID,negligible
        "0.291",            // close, Latest trading price
        "0.2972",           // high, top price
        "0.2848",           // high, top price
        "295240028.896",    // vol, 24-hour volume (in base currency)
        "-0.75",            // change, Rise and fall in 24 hours
                1,          // serial number 
                0.2932      // closing price
            [2, 0.2928], [3, 0.2923], [4, 0.292], [5, 0.2897], [6, 0.291]
        "0.2899",           // bid, Buy 1
        "0.2912",           // ask, Sell 1,
        "86114684.5935"     // amount, 24-hour turnover   (in quote currency)
        "[[1, 0.025]]",

return list,The element in the list is a string list,

return string list,data declaration

[ marketId, close, high, low, volume, change, Latest 6H closing price list, bid, ask, amount ]

amount : Aggregated trading value during the interval (in quote currency)

volume : Aggregated trading volume during the interval (in base currency)

Latest 6H closing price listSort in chronological order,data declaration :

[[serial number , closing price], [serial number , closing price], [serial number , closing price]]

Public-Market Depth

This endpoint retrieves the current order book of a specific pair.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
marketName string true trading pair
dataSize integer true The number of gears represents 5 gears for each trade, and the maximum is 200

Response Content


    "asks": [               // The selling
            "824.898",      // The third gear The selling price
            "305.95"        // The third gear The selling quantity
            "741.435",      // The second gear The selling price
            "400.88"        // The second gear The selling quantity
            "741.47",       // The first gear The selling price
            "392.99"        // The first gear The selling quantity
    "bids": [               // buy order  
            "294",          // The first gear buy order  price
            "240.32"        // The first gear buy order  quantity
            "247",          // The second gear buy order  price
            "242.064"       // The second gear buy order  quantity
            "216",          // The third gear buy order  price
            "174.043"       // The third gear buy order  quantity
    "timestamp": "1532183394"   // Request timestamp, second level
Field Data Type Description
asks list The sell order list,order by price asc
bids list The buy order list,order by price desc
timestamp long Request timestamp, second level

Public-Get the Last Trade

This endpoint returns the latest transaction records for trading pair.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
marketName string true trading pair
dataSize integer false Data quantity, default 80, maximum 1000

Response Content


"datas": [
        "T",            // data type       
        "90",           // market ID
        "1532183063",   // The timestamp
        "ETC_USDT",     // The name of the market
        "bid",          // ask and bid type 
        "827.90",       // deal price
        "515.50"        // deal quantity

return string list,data declaration

[ DataType, MarketID, Timestamp, MarketName, ask/bid, Price, Volume ]


Accessing Accounts related interfaces such as None specifically requires signature authentication

Get Account Information

This endpoint returns the current user information and its list of sub-accounts

HTTP Request

Request Parameter


Response Content


Field Data Type Description
user-id string user ID
login-name string login name
phone string phone number
email string email
type string account type,main,sub,virtual
certification boolean Whether real name authentication has been conducted
mobile-auth boolean Whether or not the phone has been verified
email-auth boolean Whether or not email validation has been performed
google-auth boolean Whether or not Google validation is performed
safe-pwd-auth boolean Whether a security password is set
subs list List of sub-account ID

Search Account

This endpoint returns user information by account

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
account string true require account
account-type int true account,0:phone number,1:email,2:login name,3:wechat account
google-code string true Google verification code
country-code string false when account-type=0 pass parameters

Response Content


Field Data Type Description
user-id string user ID
login-name string login name
phone string phone number
email string email
type string account type,main,sub,virtual
certification boolean Whether real name authentication has been conducted
mobile-auth boolean Whether or not the phone has been verified
email-auth boolean Whether or not email validation has been performed
google-auth boolean Whether or not Google validation is performed
safe-pwd-auth boolean Whether a security password is set

Get Account Balance

This endpoint returns the asset information of the current user

HTTP Request

Request Parameter


Response Content



The data for turn is a list, field description

Field Data Type Description
user-id string user ID
currency string currency name
balance decimal balance
available decimal availablebalance
freeze decimal frozen(not available)

Get Account Balance for a Single Currency

This endpoint returns the balance of an account specified by currency name.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string true currency name

Response Content



Field Data Type Description
user-id string user ID
currency string currency name
balance decimal balance
available decimal availablebalance
freeze decimal frozen(not available)

Transfer Asset between Main and Sub Account

The main account shall perform the Asset transfer between the main and sub account.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
sub-uid string true sub accountID
currency string true currency name
amount decimal true quantity
type string true transfer type:
master-transfer-in:sub account transfer to main account currency
master-transfer-out :main account transfer to sub account

Response Content


Get the Aggregated Balance of all Sub-accounts of the Current User

The main account queries the various currencies of all sub accounts under it.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter


Response Content



The data for turn is a list, field description

Field Data Type Description
currency string Currency name
balance decimal All balance of this currency under sub account(available balance and frozen balance)
freeze decimal All frozen balance of this currency under sub account
available decimal All available balance of this currency under sub account

Get Account Balance of a Sub-Account

The main account checks the currency balance of the specified sub-account

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
sub-uid string true Sub-Account Id

Response Content



The data for turn is a list, field description

Field Data Type Description
currency string currency name
balance decimal balance
available decimal available balance
freeze decimal frozen(not available)

Deposit and Withdraw

Qeury Deposit Address

Generate and get the currency address in this platform.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string true currency,btc,ltc...(ZBG supports currencies)

Response Content


    "address": "19cdJwd3j6ArHNhiYoWpN8cJq9ash7WDDC",
Field Data Type Required Description
currency string true Currency name
address string true Deposit address
memo string false Deposit address memo

Note:about memo

1.If your address is a personal wallet address, feel free to fill it in.

2.If your address is the recharge address of the exchange, a withdrawal address and a Tag (also known as Tag/ Tag/ Memo/ note, etc.) are required when withdrawing coins. The Tag ensures that your withdrawal address is unique and corresponds to the receipt address.

3.Please be sure to follow the correct coin withdrawal steps and input the complete information when withdrawing the coin, otherwise you will face losing the coin.ZBG platform will not bear the risk of retrieving the service.

4.If you have any questions, please contact ZBG customer service

Search for Existed Deposits

This endpoint searches for all existed deposits and return their latest status.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string false Currency name: btc,ltc...(zbg support currencies)
direct string false Turn records the sort direction, “prev” or “next”default is“next”
page int false Page,default 1
size int false Query record size, default 100, value [1,500]

Response Content


"datas": {
    "rows": 2,  
    "page": 1,
    "size": 20, 
    "list": [


The response data is a page object, field description

Field Data Type Description
page int Pages
size int Query record size
rows int Total number of records for the query
list array Data list, fields below
Field Data Type Description
deposit-id string deposit ID
currency string currency
amount decimal deposit amount
address string The deposit source address
tx-hash string The on-chain transaction hash
confirm-times int confirm-times
state string deposit status:[confirming, completed]
type string The type of this deposit (see below for details)
created-at long created time
confirmed-at long The time of entry is confirmed 6 times
Type Description
blockchain Blockchain roll-in
system system deposit
recharge fiat recharge
transfer Merchants transfer money to each other

Query Withdraw Address

Get the withdrawal address of currency filled in on this platform

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string true currency,btc,ltc...(ZBGsupport currencies)

Response Content


    "address": "19cdJwd3j6ArHNhiYoWpN8cJq9ash7WDDC",

The data for turn is a list, field description

Field Data Type Required Description
currency string true currency name
address string true withdrawal address
remark string false remark

Create a Withdraw Request

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string true currency,btc,ltc...(ZBG support currencies)
address string true withdrawal address,Need to advance in the website Settings
amount decimal true withdrawal quantity

Response Content



The data for turn is the withdrawal ID of a string type

Cancel a Withdraw Request

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
withdraw-id string true Withdraw ID, fill in the path

Response Content


Field Data Type Description
withdraw-id string withdraw ID

Search for Existed Withdraws

This endpoint searches for all existed withdraws and return their latest status.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
currency string false currency,btc,ltc...(ZBG support currency)
direct string false turn record sort direction, “prev”or “next” default as“next”
page int false page,default 1
size int false enquire records the size, by default 100, and values [1,500]

Response Content


"datas": {
    "rows": 1,  
    "page": 1,
    "size": 20, 
    "list": [


The data for turn is a page object, field description

Field Data Type Description
page int page
size int enquire size
rows int enquire rows
list array Data list, fields below
Field Data Type Description
withdraw-id string deposit ID
currency string currency
amount decimal withdrawal amount
address string The withdraw source address
tx-hash string The on-chain transaction hash
state string The state of this transfer (see below for details)
fee decimal withdraw fee
created-at long The timestamp in milliseconds for the transfer creation
audited-at long The timestamp in milliseconds for the transfer audition
Status Description
reexamine Under examination for withdraw validation
canceled Withdraw canceled by user
pass Withdraw validation passed
reject Withdraw validation rejected
transferred On-chain transfer initiated
confirmed On-chain transfer completed with one confirmation

Spot Trading

Access to the spot transactions interface such as None specifically requires signature authentication.

Place a New Order

Send a new order to ZBG for matching

Waring: In order to prevent users from misoperation, the price of purchase order should not be three times higher than the recent deal price, and the price of selling order should not be less than one third of the recent deal price

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Request Body:

"symbol": "zt_usdt",
"side": "buy",
"amount": "1000",
"price": "0.034",
Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt, eth_usdt...(zbg supported symbols)
side string true order type,include buy,sell
amount decimal true quantity
price decimal true The price of the order

Response Content


"datas": "E6580725150600146944"

The data for turn is the order number of string type

Submit Cancel for an Order

This endpoint submits a request for cancel order.

This only submit the cancel request, the actual result of the canel request needs to be checked by order status or match result endpoints.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,例如:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
order-id string true order号

Response Content


Submit Cancel for Multiple Orders by Criteria

This endpoint submit cancellation for multiple orders at once with given criteria.

This only submit the cancel request, the actual result of the canel request needs to be checked by order status or match result endpoints.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,such as:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
side string false Active trading direction,“buy”or“sell”,
order-ids list false Order ID
price-from decimal false Delegate price interval cancel: cancel the delegate of unit price >=price-from
price-to decimal false Delegate price interval cancellation: cancel unit price <=price-to

Response Content

The number of orders cancelled by turn


"datas": 2

Get Open Orders

This endpoint returns all open orders which have not been filled completely.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,such as:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
page int false Page number, default 1
size int false Turn order quantity, default 20 Max 100

Response Content


"datas": {
    "rows": 1,  
    "page": 1,
    "size": 20, 
    "list": [


The reponse data is a page object

Field Data Type Description
page int page
size int enquire record size
rows int Total number of records for enquire
list array Data list, fields below
Field Data Type Description
order-id string order ID
symbol string trading pair
price decimal Entrusted price
side string order type, buy/sell
amount string Total amount
available-amount string Outstanding quantity
filled-amount string The amount which has been filled
filled-cash-amount string The filled total in quote currency
state string order status:
submitted:Order application (not in storage),
partial-filled:Part of the deal
cancelling:Is removed from the single,
created:created (in storage)
created-at long The timestamp in milliseconds when the order was created

Search Historical Orders

This endpoint returns orders based on a specific searching criteria.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
side string false order type,buy/sell
state string false status,valid status:
partial-filled: portion deal,
partial-canceled: portion deal withdrawal,
filled: completely deal,
canceled: Had withdrawn,
created: created (in storage)
start-date string false enquire Start date, date format yyyy-mm-dd
end-date string false enquire end date, date format yyyy-mm-dd
history boolean false For enquire history, default false
page int false Page number, default 1
size int false Turn order quantity, default 20 Max 100

Historical orders that have been completed or withdrawn are removed to the backup table by setting history=true to search

Response Content


"datas": {
    "rows": 1,  
    "page": 1,
    "size": 20, 
    "list": [


The response data is a page object

Field Data Type Description
page int page
size int enquire size
rows int enquire rows
list array Data list, fields below
Field Data Type Description
order-id string order ID
symbol string trading pair
price decimal Entrusted price
side string order type, buy/sell
amount string Total amount
available-amount string Outstanding quantity
filled-amount string The amount which has been filled
filled-cash-amount string The filled total in quote currency
state string order status,include:
partial-filled: portion deal,
partial-canceled: portion deal withdrawal,
filled: complete deal,
canceled: cancel,
created: created (in storage)
created-at long The timestamp in milliseconds when the order was created

Get the Order Detail of an Order

This endpoint returns the latest status and details of one order.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
order-id string true order

Response Content


"datas": {
Field Data Type Description
order-id string order ID
symbol string trading pair
price decimal Entrusted price
side string ordertype, buy/sell
amount string Total amount
available-amount string Outstanding quantity
filled-amount string The amount which has been filled
filled-cash-amount string The filled total in quote currency
state string order status, include:[partial-filled, partial-canceled, filled, canceled, created]
created-at long The timestamp in milliseconds when the order was created

Get the Match Result of an Order

This endpoint returns the match result of an order.

HTTP Request

Request Parameter

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt,eth_usdt
order-id string true order

Response Content


"datas": [

The response data is a list object

Field Data Type Description
trade-id string Unique trade ID
order-id string order ID
match-id string The match order id of this match
symbol string trading pair
price decimal The limit price of limit order
side string initiative order type,buy/sell
filled-amount string The amount which has been filled
filled-fees string Transaction fee paid so far
role string the role in the transaction: taker or maker
created-at long The timestamp in milliseconds when the match and fill is done

WebSocket Market Data




Heartbeat and Connection

When the user's Websocket client is connected to Websocket server, if there is no data push for a long time, the connection may be broken. The client can send ping messages regularly to ensure continuous connection.


When the user's Websocket client receives this heartbeat message, it should turnpong message:

{"dataType":null,"action":"PING","msg":"action not support","code":"5021"}

Subscribe to Topic

After successfully establishing a connection with the Websocket server, the Websocket client sends the following request to subscribe to a specific topic:

{"action":"ADD", "dataType":"message topic", "dataSize":1}


{"action":"ADD", "dataType":"336_ENTRUST_ADD_ZT_USDT", "dataSize":1}

After successful subscription, if it is the first subscription, the Websocket client will receive the full quantity message:

[[ "AE", "336", "ZT_USDT", "1569311844", { "asks":[ ["0.0485","2000"], ["0.048","32000"], ["0.0478","12584.2001"], ... ] },{ "bids":[ ["0.0404","45.1537"], ["0.0403","338.0193"], ["0.0401","3831.9868"], ["0.04","2086.9575"], ... ] } ]]

After that, the Websocket client will receive an update pushed by the server as soon as the subscribed topic is updated.



The unsubscribe format is as follows:

{"action":"DEL", "dataType":"message topic"}


{"action":"DEL", "dataType":"336_ENTRUST_ADD_ZT_USDT"}

Market Candlestick


Once the k-line data is generated, the Websocket server will push it to the client via this subscription topic interface.


Request Parameter

Request Data:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol-id string true trading pair ID,Refer to the symbols interface for the turn value ID.
period string true Kline period, support :1M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 1D
symbol string true trading pair,such as:btc_usdt,eth_usdt

Response Content



Subsequent increase in quantity data:


The response Data is a list,list of data definition

[K, symbol-id, symbol, timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume, change, dollar-rate, period, conversion, amount.

If it is the first time, the full quantity data is turned.

Market Depth


When the market depth changes, this topic sends the latest market depth update data:


Request Parameter

Request Data:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol-id string true trading pairID,Refer to the symbols
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt,eth_usdt, Refer to the symbols

Response Content

First Response data:


Subsequent increase in quantity data:


The repsonse Data is a list, list of data definition:

Full data field description:

[AE, symbol-id, symbol, timestamp, asks:[[price, quantity]], bids[[price, quantity]]]

Increased quantity data field description:

[E, symbol-id, timestamp, symbol, ask/bid, price, quantity]

Market Trade


This topic provides the latest deal details in the market:


Request Parameter

Request Data:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol-id string true trading pair ID,Refer to symbols
symbol string true trading pair,such as:btc_usdt,eth_usdt,Refer to symbols

data Size article 50 the most

Response Content

First Response data:


Subsequent increase in quantity data:


The repsonse Data is a list,list of data definition.

Data field description:

[T, symbol-id, symbol, timestamp, ask/bid, price, quantity]

Market Tickers


Topics provide the latest market overview within 24 hours.:


The type data is refreshed every 5 seconds.

Request Parameter

Request Data: ALL Market:

{"action":"ADD", "dataType":"ALL_TRADE_STATISTIC_24H"}

Single Market:

{"action":"ADD", "dataType":"5140_TRADE_STATISTIC_24H"}
Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol-id string true ALL or trading pair id,Refer to thesymbols

when symbol-id = ALL ,Turn the 24-hour market for all trading pairs

Response Content

All Market Response:

    ["5140","0.0199","0.0199","0.0111","27597.0704","7.57","[[1, 0.0199]]","0.012","0.0457","504.7737"],
    ["5020","203823.8","219584","193014.1","21.8465","-4.83","[[1, 204168.8], [2, 207395.2], [3, 205103.6], [4, 206200.9], [5, 204334.9], [6, 203823.8]]","201002.4","206644.9","4524612.3764"],
    ["5021","28691.3","30639.6","27704.9","29.8016","-4.69","[[1, 28519.8], [2, 29109.5], [3, 28280], [4, 28667.7], [5, 28618], [6, 28691.3]]","28334.3","29047.8","864655.9334"],

Single Market Respons:

    ["5140","0.0199","0.0199","0.0111","27597.0704","7.57","[[1, 0.0199]]","0.012","0.0457","504.7737"]

Data field description:

{ "trade_statistic":[ [ symbol-id, close, high,low, volume,change, Latest 6H closing price list, bid,ask,amount], .... ] }

Order Change


Topics provide user order updates


Request Parameter

Request Data:

{"data Type":"336_RECORD_ADD_7eOUtLBFXTU_ZT_USDT","dataSize":50,"action":"ADD"}

Parameter Data Type Required Description
symbol-id string true ALL 或trading pair ID,Refer to the symbols
user-id string true user ID
symbol string true trading pair,example:btc_usdt,eth_usdt,Refer to the symbols

data Size Article 100 the most

Response Content



Subsequent increase in quantity data:


Full data field description:[AR, market ID, user ID, The time stamp, [OrderNo, type, status, price, entrust quantity, complete quantity, complete amount, average price, establish The time stamp]]

Increased quantity data field description.:[R, market ID, user ID, The time stamp, OrderNo, type, status, price, entrust quantity, complete quantity, complete cash amount,Average price, create The time stamp

type:1:buy, 0:sell

status : 0:created 1:canceled 2: filled 3:partial-filled

created by zhangzp at 2019-09-21